By ISN Garage Assist on Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Category: Garage Equipment

The biggest Connected MOT Equipment issue & how to solve it!

Over the duration of the lockdown months, the focus of the MOT sector has been set on the six-month extension announced by the DVSA - due to this, other areas of the MOT world (including MOT connected equipment) have taken a backseat.

Since the end of the lockdown, the DVSA’s “Beat the Rush” campaign has taken centre stage – often with mixed reviews.

The success of the rollout of Connected Roller Brake Testers back in October 2019 and Connected Decelerometers in February this year, is still unknown. However, a lot of garages have been experiencing some difficulties in working the connectivity, which has boiled down to a lack of knowledge by MOT equipment installers.

The biggest connected MOT issue...

All new roller brake testers and decelerometers installed into any garage must be connected to the MOT testing service.

It has been brought to the DVSA’s attention that issues with locating the “key” to connect equipment has been one of the biggest nuances for garage owners, after the install has been completed.

Official DVSA guidance for obtaining a key...

A DVSA spokesperson said: “When the engineer is on-site and ready to install your equipment you need to request a key and give it to them.

“The key will not work at another testing station and only works on one piece of equipment.”

To obtain a software code, users should sign into the MOT testing service and go to the ‘vehicle testing station’ page where they can ‘request a key’ under ‘change and connect equipment’.

Make sure you choose the MOT equipment experts

Ensuring you work with the experts is a must to getting it right first time.

Here at Hofmann Megaplan, our fully qualified engineers have been installing brand new MOT bays throughout the whole of lockdown. Many garage owners have seen the opportunity that has risen over the past couple of months and made sure their equipment is up to scratch to cope with any increase in demand.

Is it about time you did the same?

Check out our specialist MOT division online now or call our team on 01480 8-9-10-11.

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