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Motorcycle MOT Testing (Class 1 & 2)
Class 1 & 2 MOT testing covers motorcycles with an engine capacity of up to 200cc (Class 1) and an engine capacity over 200cc (Class 2) with or without sidecars. It’s a specialist area and, whilst standard car and light commercial MOT Bays can be adapted to handle Class 1 & 2, it isn't the most practical solution.
If you’re a dedicated two-wheel specialist, you will require a stand-alone Class 1 & 2 MOT installation, which takes up much less space than a car, or van bay and includes a specially designed roller brake tester. As emissions checks are not required on motorcycles your whole test facility can be installed at a significantly lower cost. You may, however, want to consider including other dedicated motorcycle equipment, such as a motorcycle tyre changer and wheel balancer, or a specialist motorcycle lift, for inspection purposes and to facilitate work resulting from failures.
Our dedicated motorcycle equipment program, which includes lifting, tyre fitting and wheel balancing equipment, means we can take care of an entire workshop installation. Whatever your requirements, ISN Garage Assist has the solution.
We will assist you through the whole application process, dealing with all the bureaucracy and officialdom that accompanies an application, allowing you to get on with what you do best; running a successful motorcycle business.